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Serving the community

A new emergency vehicle started operation in Tīrau in August 2022, ready to serve the surrounding community with everything from fires to crashes to drownings.

Brett Fleming, Trinity Lands’ GM Sustainability, says the emergency response vehicle is an essential addition to the Tīrau Fire Brigade fleet.

Trinity Lands donated $60,000 to purchase the vehicle, while $70,000 of additional community fundraising provided the cabinet on the back of the truck and specialised rescue and medical equipment.

Community Support: Longview Trust's 70-Year Legacy

Gray Baldwin represented one of Trinity Lands’ parent trusts, Longview, which has a 70-year history of making charitable donations to the Tīrau community. Gray, a Putaruru dairy farmer, says the farming communities have been grateful to have the fire brigade nearby to help with vehicle fatalities, bushfires, medical emergencies, downed power lines, fuel leaks – and even the delivery of a baby!

“The farming communities have been grateful to have the fire brigade nearby to help with vehicle fatalities, bushfires, medical emergencies, downed power lines, fuel leaks – and even the delivery of a baby!”

Gray Baldwin,
a Putaruru dairy farmer